“I know I cannot save every cat, but if I can spay or neuter every cat I meet and educate others to do the same, then I know I am saving 1000’s ” Carla D. Jewell
CAPE MAY COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER-609-465-8923-Cape May County Residents
AWA-Voorhess-856-424-2288 https://www.awanj.org/trap-neuter-return/
FORGOTTEN CATS-https://forgottencats.org/services/make-an-appointment/
People for animals (PFA) 856-243-5221 https://pfaonline.org/#make-appointment
Homeward bound-856-401-1300. https://www.homewardboundnj.org/clinic
Humane society of Atlantic County https://humanesocietyac.org/spay-neuter/#clinic
TNVR TRAPPERS that may be able to assist upon openings prices vary for TNVR depending on where appts are. Range between 25-85.00
Village trappers-https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHwU8jw8Olx1QHnv6V60ZUIEsNsteDN-nS6MXcA2XmGgFbIQ/viewform?pli=1
Chasing tails trap & rescue-(CLICK THE LINK THAT SAYS GET INVOLVED) https://www.chasingtailstrapandrescue.org/